AUMC Outreach ministry serves/volunteers/participates in the below organizations/efforts
Youth Engagement Advocacy Housing (YEAH)
They provide services to unhoused youth age 18 to 25 including shelter and food.
Dorothy Day House:
They provide a community breakfast to anyone in need. They have now expanded services in connection with Berkeley Emergency Storm Shelter (BESS) to
provide services to the unhoused, including Shelter.
They are located at 1931 Center St., Berkeley, CA 94704 Berkeley Food
They provide emergency food (groceries) to families.
They are located at Friends Church, 1600 Sacramento St. at Cedar St
Youth Spirit Art Works This is also a program for youth age 16 to 25 empowering homeless and low income youth through teaching vocational skills related to commercial arts.
They are located at 1740 Alcatraz near Adeline in Berkeley